iPhone 5 Cases Coming Soon to Apple Stores

iPhone 5 Cases Coming Soon to Apple Stores


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Jun 18, 2010
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According to a report today on 9to5 Mac, iPhone 5 owners will soon be able to buy cases for their phones at Apple Stores later this month. Currently, you will not find any iPhone 5 cases in Apple Stores, but 9to5 Mac’s sources say that Apple has a provisional date of October 22nd for the arrival of iPhone 5 cases in its retail stores. “Good, now people can stop asking me about iPhone 5 cases,” one Apple Store employee told 9to5 Mac. 9to5 Mac adds that it is not yet known if Apple will also be stocking iPhone 5 cases in its online retail stores, but I would think it’s a pretty good bet that it will. Apparently the reason for the cases failing to appear in Apple retail stores so far is because Apple is rigorously testing them before it will approve them for sale. It can’t be because Apple has anything against stocking cases, as anyone will attest that if you go to your friendly local Apple Store, you will find a plethora of iPhone cases on display, including Apple-branded and third-party cases.

Source: Apple Stores to begin stocking iPhone 5 cases later this month | 9to5Mac

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