iPhone 5 Now Said to be Arriving in October, not September

iPhone 5 Now Said to be Arriving in October, not September


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Jun 18, 2010
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Of all the many rumours about the next iPhone that have been swirling around over the past few months, probably the one that has remained the most constant, and therefore the most convincing, has been the phone’s possible release period being sometime in September. Today, however, a report on All Things D has cast doubt on even this information, saying that according to its sources, the phone will be launched in October, not September. All Things D’s sources say that they have no idea why AT&T has prevented all employees from taking any vacation time during the last two weeks of September, but that they do know that the reason has nothing to do with the launch of the iPhone 5. While this source could not pin down a particular date in October for the phone’s release, another of All Things D’s sources indicated that it would be at the end of October.

Source: Apple Launching New iPhone in October: Source - John Paczkowski - Mobile - AllThingsD

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