iPhone 5 Pre-Orders Might Not Start Until September 14

iPhone 5 Pre-Orders Might Not Start Until September 14


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Jun 18, 2010
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As the minutes tick by until the big announcement, TechRadar reports that pre-orders for the iPhone 5 might not actually start until September 14, which is Friday, at 6am. Initially it had been expected that pre-orders would start immediately today following the announcement from Apple, in fact iMore actually ran a story to this effect, but TechRadar says that it has heard fresh rumours that pre-orders will not start until Friday. According to the report, Apple has made preparations to handle what is expected to be massive amounts of pre-order applications by adding more staff in its online support centers. The release date is still expected to be September 21, in the US at least. Don’t forget to check back here for all the news from the event as it happens. Just under three hours to go now, with the event due to start at 12:01 am Pacific Time. Check the very useful post here to find out what time that is where you are in the world.

Many thanks to dgstorm for the heads-up on this story!

Source: Rumor: iPhone 5 pre-orders to start Sept. 14 | News | TechRadar

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