iPhone 5 worth trading in?

iPhone 5 worth trading in?


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May 24, 2011
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hey guys, just a quick question here. I'm looking to get an iPhone 5 from Sprint this weekend, but I'm contemplating to trade in my 4S for the 5. Would this be worth doing or should I just buy the i5 in full cash? I want the 32GB, but money isn't just laying around here. I love my 4S because it's jailbroken and I have no idea when the 5 will be jailbroken so I would think it'd be a good thing to keep it. Any input from you all?
i suppose it depends on how much you are getting in trade for your 4s,if they'r not allowing you much then keep it,it sounds like you prefer to keep it anyway from what you are saying.
The website and a friend who just got hers both said Sprint takes my 4S for $215. Thats more than enough to get a 16GB i5, but me being greedy I would want the 32GB so I'll never have to worry about needing more space. I have no idea what I would fill 16GB with anyway, but I believe that would leave me paying $80 out of pocket? Correct me if I'm wrong.
if it was me i would trade it in but thats just me,your 4s will drop in value so if you intend getting rid of it i wouldn't wait,once you get 5 you probably won't give your 4s a look in......also i'm sure a JB will come for 5 at some point.
Alright, I didn't think about value drops. By any chance do you have anything to say about sprints service?
being in the UK i don't know anything about sprint but i'm sure someone will voice an opinion there.
If you believe that jailbreaking is a must have for you, then DO NOT get the 5 until it is jailbroken. The 4S is a very solid phone. Heck I almost kept mine instead of getting the 5, but I have other factors that tipped me over the edge. If one of them wasn't for the fact that I am an iOS developer, I probably wouldn't have gotten it at all. Well that and my eyes are getting old and the screen on the 5 is better than the 4S screen.

Also during the time frame that you are waiting, you can get your finances to line up where you don't have to worry about the money question at all.

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