iPhone 6 Reservations in China Top 4 Million

iPhone 6 Reservations in China Top 4 Million


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are proving to be incredibly popular in China, with over 4 million reservations taken for both iPhone 6 models since yesterday when.

If these stunning reservation figures, which were provided by Chinese media outlet Tencent, convert into actual units bought once the two new iPhones go on sale in China on October 17, then sales in just China alone would surpass the entire launch sales figures for the iPhone 6.

Tencent also provides a breakdown of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus reservations in China, with Jingdong seeing 1,106,379 iPhone 6 reservations, and 1,189,083 reservations for the iPhone 6 Plus.

9to5 Mac also notes that earlier today Digitimes said that the iPhone 6 Plus made up 60% of iPhone 6 production, which could point to it being more popular than the 4.7-inch iPhone 6; alternatively, this latest surge could simply mean that the iPhone 6 Plus is making up for initial supply constraints and catching up with 4.7-inch iPhone 6 supplies.

Source: 9to5 Mac

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