iPhone 6s Performs Impressively on First Bend Test

iPhone 6s Performs Impressively on First Bend Test


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Jun 18, 2010
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iPhone 6s bend test.webp

Following on from bendgate Apple has worked hard to ensure that the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus does not have the same weakness, and it looks like Apple has indeed succeeded in building a stronger, less flexible iPhone according to the first bend test carried out today as the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus launches.

AppleInsider reports that a video from FoneFox in Australia shows the iPhone 6s’s reinforced 7000 series aluminium chassis being subjected to a massive amount of force before it would even begin to bend noticeably.

While Apple previously denied that the iPhone 6 rigidity had been affected by the extreme thinness of the phone, it would seem that it has still taken the decision to make the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus much stronger and less “bendy” than the previous phones, and the video shows that the new phones are indeed much less likely to bend, even under extreme pressure.

Source: First iPhone 6s bend test shows off nearly unbendable 7000 series aluminum
This will continue until someone succeeds in destroying their new iPhone for a few minutes of YouTube fame.
What idiots, They must have more money than sense.

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