iPhone alone cashes in more than Microsoft

iPhone alone cashes in more than Microsoft


Thread Starter
Oct 3, 2011
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San Jose, CA


Apple was already a high and mighty company with a lot of dedicated fans, but then the quarterly earnings reports came in. What was big became huge. Apple managed to snatch $46.33 billion of revenue only in the Q4. Now, that’s massive.

But most of us don’t really have a real clue of how immense that number really is. It is known that human brains have a difficulty in understanding math But recently another piece of information surfaced, that might help us sort things out in our heads. It turns out that Microsoft, who’s quarterly reports were published a few days before Apple’s, cashed in only $20.9 billion – or just half of the $44.33 billion in Cupertino.

But what’s noteworthy it’s not that Apple generated more profit than Microsoft. The surprising aspect of the story consists in the fact that the iPhone by itself generated more money than all Microsoft put together. Just the iPhone generated a number of $24.4 billion. That means the golden boy of smartphones overtakes Microsoft by $3.5 billion.

Think about it. The iPhone did not even exist five years ago. And somehow it managed to surpass a company that, 15 years ago, had to be held accountable in open court because of the dominion it imposed on the market.

Microsoft is not a looser in everything. For example is still did better than Apple in terms of computer market share, as expected. Still, in the little amount of time that the iPhone has been on the market it has achieved the wonderful thing of being able to reinvent the market and touch so many people with their creations.

Source: WebProNews