iphone always has NO SERVICE!!

iphone always has NO SERVICE!!


New Member
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Aug 24, 2012
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im a bit unsure what else to do..

ive been to my local vodafone store told them i seem to never pick up any service and he changed my sim card over and still same problem, he suggested it was a fault with the phone.

Ive gone ahead and restored the iphone to factory settings through itunes thinking this will do the trick but seem to still have same problem.

Can anyone suggest anything else i can try?

heres my phone stats:

ios 5.1.1

carrier vodafone uk

model mc637x

thanks everyone for your help
Hi Tony! What model iPhone are we using here? I see your Introduction post says you have an "old school" iPhone.
tony85 said:
its an iphone 3gs (A1303)
Is your 3GS Jailbroken? What Baseband is it sitting on? Your Badeband is in Settings>Genetal>About.. next to "Modem Firmware."
oh no it's not jail broken. The modem firmware is 05.16.05
oh no it's not jail broken. The modem firmware is 05.16.05
Hmmm... very interesting. My only, to rule if it's the phone or cell service, suggestion would be to borrow a friend or family member's sim card. Pop it in your 3GS and see if the problem persists.

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