iphone apps business

iphone apps business


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May 5, 2011
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If anybody is interested, I found a blog about iphone apps, its mainly about creating them. I was interested in making apps, and I bought the advertised guide that they had on setting up an iphone apps business. Actually it's a site membership, but they have guides on there as well. Since I can't post links or an email address on this forum, please send me a personal message to my account in this forum and I will send you the link if you want it.

If you're a programmer setting up an app dev business its pretty easy. You basically go to Apple developer web site and create an account, download the tools (on a Mac) and start coding. There are also other options, you could go the Unity3D route, which allows you to create games using an integrated editor and Javascript or C#. We prefer the AirPlay SDK which is a cross platform C++ SDK that allows development across many platforms at the same time. If you have no programming skills then you will need to hire a development team to create your app for you (this can be expensive, especially for game development)

The hard part you will find however is not the development but the marketing. getting people to notice your app is incredibly difficuilt without spending a lot of money on advertising.

I would have posted links for reference but I cant until I have posted 3 posts :O
I forgot to mention the HTML / Javascript route for app creation as well as Shiva3D

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