Iphone in Washer/Dryer related question

Iphone in Washer/Dryer related question


New Member
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Feb 6, 2014
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I had my Iphone 4s in the pocket of my jeans and it just went through the washer and dryer. The screen was blank and wouldn't turn on so I put it in rice. While I was nearby I heard a text/email noise from the phone. I check the phone and the screen still doesn't show anything. I go get another phone and call my broken phone. It rings. I am able to swipe where I imagine the "Slide/swipe to answer" bar is and I can talk and it works on the other phone If the sound works is this a good sign? Is there any trick to get the screen to show again. I am hopeful that if the screen can work the rest of the phone seems to be in working order.

Any constructive points would be appreciated! Thanks.
Having killed my fair share of iPhones ( on no 5 )
I would say no, nothing you will do will help, having read many cries for help on here i would say success from a wet iPhone is around 2%.
Don't waste you time, swap it in at Apple ( they do a reduced replacement cost ) or claim on any insurances you have ....

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