iPhone not recognized by laptop

iPhone not recognized by laptop


New Member
Thread Starter
May 24, 2011
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I have iTunes 10.5 installed and have never had a problem with my phone being recognized until tonight. I can't think of anything I have installed/uninstalled to cause this. My "computer" does recognize it.
What do I do? Please help.
Thank you.

windows 7 SP1, Toshiba satellite laptop
Same problem, welcome to the club.
I tried everything, www, forums, Apple support, no luck .
On the top of everything, now I am not able to uninstall all Apple sheet to try to install clean new Itunes..... all I can say Itunes and lap top running Windows 7 impossible task......why?????? I think we will never get a reasonable answer.
Sorry you have same problem, but mine has worked as recently as 3 days ago.
So do the moderators/problem solvers ever answer questions?
Thanks, Joanne
Is your computer setuped to automatically download and install updates? If yes uninstall the most recent updates from your computer, reboot your computer and try it again see if that makes a difference.
I would uninstall iTunes using an uninstaller like REVO Uninstaller which also gets rid of registry entries. Then a clean installation of iTunes will be possible. By the way, like on my Win 7 system, it takes a minute or so before my iPhone is finally recognized on iTunes (for whatever reason). Keep that in mind while despising iTunes like so many of the rest of us do! :)
Thanks to everyone's help. When I hooked up tonight it worked. Go figure!