iPhone unlock

iPhone unlock


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Jun 15, 2011
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Hey guys, I have a quick question.

I have an iPhone 3GS 16gb. It's running 4.2.1. I unlocked it by flashing the the baseband to the iPad baseband.

Although, The unlock/JB I have is tethered, therefore I have to restart my phone with my computer every time it dies.

Is there any new untethered releases to unlock an iPhone with a flashed baseband(iPad)?

Thanks :D
Download the latest greenpoision and simply rerun the jailbreak and you will be untethered.

If you wish to upgrade to the latest firmware (4.3.3) then you will need to create a custom one with the iPad baseband on it. You can do this with either pwnage tool (mac) or snowbreeze (windows)...
Upgrade to iOS 4.3.3, flash your baseband again and just install Ultrasn0w from its original repository. That should fix your problem; and it's an untethered unlock.
Good luck.

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