iRequiem Horror Shooter Soon to Invade Your iPhone

iRequiem Horror Shooter Soon to Invade Your iPhone


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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So what if they’ve missed the Halloween boat! Cool horror-themed games are welcome on the iPhone all the year round, so if you like things a little on the spooky side you might want to check out iRequiem for iPhone and iPad when it hits the app store later this month. The game takes place in hell, which is depicted as a darkly gothic medieval world. The story begins after Evil takes the main protagonist’s soul and bestows dark powers on him in return.

In the game, players will get to battle hordes of zombies (yay!) and other creatures, with the help of plenty of heavy armaments, including shotguns, grenade/rocket launchers and medieval/fantasy weapons such as crossbows. You will also have access to dark magic weapons such as spells, amulets, dark powers and rites. Rumours that you also get to hurl a mythical white iPhone 4 at the assorted evil critters have proved to be unfounded!

Campaign game mode features five stages of detailed, story-driven gameplay, running at four hours plus, and there’s also an unlimited Survival mode where you can kill demons and bad beasties over and over again to your heart’s content, using one of the 11 kill skills, such as overkill, chain kill and multi kill. You want bosses? You’ve got them – 3 types of mini-boss and 5 unique main bosses, to be precise. And with all that excitement going on, there’s even an Action Replay feature, where you can record your demon-slaying feats and watch them back later at your leisure.

And if all fighting talk has got your trigger finger all itchy, you’ll hopefully only have to wait a few more days until iRequiem is released to the App Store.

Source: Rapid Turtle Games

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