is Call of Duty-4 Available on iTunes ?

is Call of Duty-4 Available on iTunes ?


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Dec 9, 2011
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I was wondering if Call of Duty-4 Modern Warfare was available on iTunes if not, which is the best Action game which is almost the same like Call of Duty-4 Modern warfare which is right now the best on iTunes. I want to play it on my iPhone 4S.

Cheers !
Looks lik my thread went unnoticed :-) so here I am asking again. is Call of Duty-4 modern warfare available on iTunes ? I could not find it. If not any other game which is a close substitute to it .
Try modern combat it's the closest thing to modern warfare that I can think of.
Try modern combat it's the closest thing to modern warfare that I can think of.

Hmmmm...Even I was think so....Looks the same from screenshots, was waiting for confirmation :-)
I have modern combat 2 and it is a very good game modern combat 3 is supposed to be even better.