For the last couple of months my battery % indicator has been acting strange. When it goes down to 20% I get the usual low battery message. Then in a very short while is goes down to 17%, then 12%, then the 10% low battery message appears, then 8, 5, 3, &1% all in the space of about 15 to 20 minutes. The 1% hangs in there for about 1/2 an hour and then the 4S shuts off. I've been charging it up to 100% every time it does that (2 months now) leaving it plugged in for a good 1/2 hour after it shows 100%. For the past couple of years since I've had the phone (bought it new) I had been charging it up to full whenever I had the chance as I like a full battery and thought doing that would not harm it. Is it time to replace the battery or does the % program need to re-learn 100 to 0%? I do full resets about once per month.
Sent from my iPhone 4S or iPad 3rd gen, whichever I happened to have in my hands at the time, using
Sent from my iPhone 4S or iPad 3rd gen, whichever I happened to have in my hands at the time, using