iTunes 10 Includes Ping Social Network

iTunes 10 Includes Ping Social Network


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple has been making exciting announcements all over the place at its media event in San Francisco today, with one of them being the launch of iTunes 10 with Ping, a new music-orientated social network for following your favourite artists and friends to discover what music they’re talking about, listening to and downloading. Users can use Ping to post their thoughts and opinions, details of their favourite albums and songs, as well as viewing concert listings and letting their friends know what upcoming concerts they’re going to. iTunes 10 will also feature commercial-free HD TV show rentals for 99 cents an episode from the likes of ABC, Fox and Disney, and AirPlay wireless music playback, which enables you to listen to your music on remote speakers using compatible speakers, receivers and stereo systems from companies such as JBL and Denon.

iTunes 10 is available immediately as a free download from
it does look good, finally they got rid of the cd lol outselling cd sales, well who can be assed to go buy cds any more? i bet a lot of ppl but so much more find it easier in the comfort of their own homes to just buy the songs and not have to switch cds or waste space for them or worry about scratches... soon enough no one will be buying cds it will all be online.

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