Itunes has erased all my contacts/info/notes/ect!!! Please help!

Itunes has erased all my contacts/info/notes/ect!!! Please help!


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Jan 17, 2013
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I have a 4s 64gb. I bought a computer from a friend that had iTunes preloaded with
other people's back-ups loaded in it. I plugged my iPhone into
the computer it erased all of my contacts and all other stored info on the
phone, leaving contacts/pics/anything blank. I was shocked and very disturbed. I tried to restore from backup, but none
of them were my own. Since that happened I've been terrified to plug my phone
back into the computer, and that sucks seeing as I would like to change up my
music and upload some photos. Any suggestions on 1)save/back-up all of the data (Pictures/Notes/ect..)
to itunes so that when I plug in and sync, it has something to use instead of using some random persons
back-up 2)Delete all the other peoples back-ups that were on my computer when I got it
3)make sure this doesn't happen again. Tia!
Computer is pc running vista. iPhone is on 6.01
Hi, welcome to iPhoneForums. I'm Jon.

Please take some time to peruse the IPF Rules
: Forum Rules - Please Read and Respect our Rules

Here are some guides that may suit your needs.
iPhone Tips & Tricks | What is jailbreaking? | Thinking of Jailbreaking but are not sure |Can I Jailbreak my iPhone on this iOS/Jailbreak Status Thread

My particular field of expertise is iOS Jailbreaking and Unlocking.

Don't worry about the newb part :P we all start somewhere and we'll only learn from there.

1) You'll have to log off the current iTunes account on the computer (if applicable) and clear out the libraries in case any old music and such are still there. Then on the top of iTunes, click on Store, and Authorize This PC. Then log on to your iTunes account if you haven't already. This will let you sync your device to this computer. Make sure the iTunes account matches.

2) To clear the backups, go to the follow directory: (it's just a sample, change the drive letter and (username) to whatever matches your PC)

C:\Users\Jonathan\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\

Then delete everything in there. The items in that folder are all the back ups previously made. Once you've deleted the back ups and all the media in iTunes, authorize your PC as mentioned in 1) and sync and back up your iPhone to this PC for safe keeping.

On another note, I would personally recommend manually saving your contacts and such using applications on your PC like iFunBox or iExplorer. They'll basically rip the contacts into individual files that allows you to sync them to other applications via your PC like Exchange, Outlook, other phones, iPads, iPod Touches, etc etc. So god forbid your device dies out on you, at least you'll have these on your computer or in a Cloud drive like DropBox for convenient storage and access.
hey this is super helpful man!!!! Thank you very much!! sorry took so long for reply, I live deep in the jungle and barely get cell reception.
another quick question, after I do all of this im planning on updating to 5.1.1 and jailbreaking.. do you suggest absinthe or evasion? any difference? any certain reason to pick one or the other?
You can't update to iOS 5.1.1, the window is closed. Absinthe is the jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1/5.1.1 and evasi0n for 6/6.0.1/6.0.2/6.1/6.1.1

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk
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@timmytsatso, Absinthe is for iOS 5.0.1 and 5.1.1. iOS 5.1 was tethered only for pre-A5 devices. Evasi0n supports all iOS 6 devices.
ok, thank you willerz2! I corrected my post.

Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk

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