iTunes Radio Now Requires an Apple Music Subscription

iTunes Radio Now Requires an Apple Music Subscription

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
iTunes Radio launched back in 2013 to much controversy regarding its song picking quality. Most folks agreed that the already-established Pandora, Spotify, and the like were much better at picking related songs or artists. Since then, iTunes Radio has improved quite a bit, but there are still those preferring other services over Apple's own.

On Friday, Apple kept to its promise and now requires an Apple Music subscription to listen to iTunes Radio. Those attempting to use iTunes Radio without a subscription are now greeted with "Get on Our Wavelength" prompts.

Don't get confused, Beats 1 radio is still available to the masses for free. However, those wishing to use the auto-generated iTunes Radio will need to cough up $9.99 per month.
I hated this! I don't care for Beats 1. This won't make me subscribe. I still have TuneIn Radio Pro! I like it better anyways.
I agree, imo Beats 1 sucks and iTunes Radio is terrible. Apple should make it possible to remove all the radio functions out of the music app. Especially now that it's a forced pay subscription only option!
Since iTunes Radio never made it to Canada it won't make any difference to me.