jailbreak 4.2.10 (8E600)

jailbreak 4.2.10 (8E600)

I tried the redsn0w jailbreak and it is doing the same exact thing to me. The jailbreak itself goes fine but then when I turn the phone off and try the tethered reboot, it freezes either on the pineapple or the Apple logo. And then the only way to get past it is to enter recovery mode and restore the phone and start over, which I have done 3 times now and it does the same thing every time. I know this doesn't help solve the problem, but I figured you should know that you're not alone in your reboot problems. I'm going to give up & wait for whatever untethered jailbreak may eventually come out. :(

There is no working jailbreak for 4.2.10. Whilst you can apply the jailbreak, as soon as a reboot is required the phone will freeze and cannot be rebooted properly, even using the correct tethered method. This is covered in our sticky here - http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/iphone-jailbreaking-17/jailbreaking-methods-iphone-18519/
If you don't have saved SHSH Blobs for a previous version of IOS you are out of luck I'm afraid. Your only option will be to restore stock 4.2.10 and live without a jailbreak for a while...

redsnow was updated this morning to support a tethered jb for 4.2.10

Woo Hoo. It's always nice to wake up to breaking news. I'll update the stickies accordingly... :)
Wait so does this mean I can jailbreak my iPad on 4.3.5 and does that mean it's tethered and it won't freeze on me when I go to reboot right and does anyone know the website where I can get my firmwares 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 so if u guys say it works I'll be able to do it. Ps sorry for all this random stuff I just had a prob with my 4.3.3 jb freaking out on me literally not even a day ago and I had to update I just want my jb back :(
sd6854 said:
Wait so does this mean I can jailbreak my iPad on 4.3.5 and does that mean it's tethered and it won't freeze on me when I go to reboot right and does anyone know the website where I can get my firmwares 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 so if u guys say it works I'll be able to do it. Ps sorry for all this random stuff I just had a prob with my 4.3.3 jb freaking out on me literally not even a day ago and I had to update I just want my jb back :(

Yes. Thats exactly what we're saying. It's a tethered jb
sd6854 said:
...does anyone know the website where I can get my firmwares 4.3.4 and 4.3.5 so if u guys say it works I'll be able to do it.

You have always been able to tethered jailbreak an iPad1. Why not visit our sister site ipadforums.net which has all the information you need, including stickies in the hacking section with all the links to both firmwares and the jailbreaks themselves...

A tethered jailbreak on the iPad1 is far less of a constraint than it is on the phone, so where it is the only option it is at least a little more palatable than the phone version...

But if you have an iPad2 and don't have blobs then you are out of luck. Sorry. iPad2 cannot be jailbroken on any other version than 4.3.3. Not even tethered on 4.3.5.

Hope that helps.
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Thanx alot I'll check that out and I just ran the jb time to find out if it can reboot tethered when I'm done
It works spread the news tethered jb is here for 4.3.5 and 4.2.10 on Verizon I just did both hope this helps you guys out on any answers u need just make sure it's the beta 7 of redsnow and whatever firmware u need unless ur using ios5 beta then u gotta do the same stuff with using an earlier fw to jb

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