saintdawson said:
Ok what's the worst thing that can happen when I jailbreak
The worst thing that could happens is you installing something from Cydia that is not compatible with your device or is conflicting with another tweak.
Always check compatibility with your device model and iOS version. You cannot not install anything from Cydia. Some packages are not updated for iOS 5 and are are device specific.
As long as you check compatibility with every tweak you may want to install then you should be good to go, and have no problems.
The more you install, the slower your device will become....but it can hold a lot of tweaks before your device slows down significantly.
I have over 55 tweaks installed, and over 100 extensions from Cydia...and my phone is fine.
It's when you start experimenting with different things when you have the potential to mess up your device....but no matter what....a restore alway fixes problems.
Before installing anything, check to see that it is in fact iOS 5 compatible and that it will work on whatever device you have. As long as you do that, you should be jus fine.