Jobs Says Bloomberg Story was "Total Bull"

Jobs Says Bloomberg Story was "Total Bull"


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Jun 18, 2010
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During a question-and-answer session after today’s iPhone 4 press conference Steve Jobs completely rubbished the Bloomberg story that said that he had been warned about the iPhone 4 antenna issues prior to launch. AppleInsider reports that Jobs said that the piece was “total bulls**t” when asked about it. Although Apple had already refuted the report, Jobs was typically succinct and unequivocal when asked about the matter, responding “it’s a total crock. We talked to everyone about it. We have a great community of scientists. They debate everything. And it’s healthy. The best ideas win.”

AppleInsider says that Steve Jobs also talked about a New York Times article from Thursday, which said that the antenna problems were caused by software and would be fixed with another iOS update. “They’re just making things up,” was Jobs’ response to that particular story. He was also reported as saying that Apple had considered an iPhone 4 recall, but didn’t think it was worth it in the end because the number of people actually complaining about the issue to AppleCare was in reality very small. Finally Jobs revealed that Apple had even sent engineers out to people who had complained about reception issues to test equipment in their homes! “These people literally get a knock at the door from Apple engineers with a bunch of equipment and want to plug it in and test reception. We’re really serious about this.”

Source: AppleInsider
Interesting. According to the poll on this for 40% have experienced the issue. If 1.2 million people logged a complaint would the end result be any different? I don't see a recall of 3 million units practical considering a case or bumper can resolve the issue.
It seams to me that Apple is handling the
Issue with the iPhone the same way toyota
Has handled it's exceleration problem.
Dance around, offer free cheep non fixes
There customers. Not something apple should be proud
My Apple is a Lemon !!
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It seams to me that Apple is handling the
Issue with the iPhone the same way toyota
Has handled it's exceleration problem.
Dance around, offer free cheep non fixes
There customers. Not something apple should be proud
My Apple is a Lemon !!
That is what I think too, my iphone 4 is doing things Apple Techs has never seen, FaceTime will start up by it seft, I guess it give me time to brush my hair? done it today when I was looking at the phone, strange icons that will lock my phone I have to hard reset it, they seen a photo of that apple has sceen in that mode too? they told me that was strange.

I dont understand people at all antenna problem and they run to the apple store or website to get a case, they don't know but whe they take the case they are saying OK to the no fix to the antenna, more or less apple gives them a rubber band and they are happy? I will never understand??
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You made your point in your user name. Frankly stop going on about it just get a replacement. Have you considered that your phone in fact is faulty. Apple replaces no charge
I don't care what phone you buy problems affect all phones I have in past 10 years returned 5 phones 2 were win os phones because of crashing 2 were blackberry phones with issues with screens and a Sony erikson intermittent sound
A warranty is there for a reason just use it either for a replacement or credit. And move on ....
Interesting. According to the poll on this for 40% have experienced the issue. If 1.2 million people logged a complaint would the end result be any different? I don't see a recall of 3 million units practical considering a case or bumper can resolve the issue.

This is from Apple

Apple on iPhone 4 antenna: only 0.55% complained, 1.7% returned

You need to get a calculator.

We have 1000 members plus visitors only 40 responded to our poll

The results do not mean if 3 million phones sold 1.2 million have issues if 3000 responded to the question it would be a better balance
The biggest issue is news media hype. The media blows every thing over the top to the point it's ridiculous.

Further to this the friends I have on my network throughout the world whom have the iPhone 4 out of 25 NON are having any major issues with their phones regarding antenna problems. 3 are on AT&T believe their issue is AT&T as the iPhone 3GS had similar problems one had sync issues which were resolved by a restore and that's it.
Only one said his glass has. A yellow
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less then the 3gs and yet it did nto seem to hurt sales with the 4. it is as steve said. seems like its lot more people then it actually was
Interesting. According to the poll on this for 40% have experienced the issue. If 1.2 million people logged a complaint would the end result be any different? I don't see a recall of 3 million units practical considering a case or bumper can resolve the issue.

This is from Apple

Apple on iPhone 4 antenna: only 0.55% complained, 1.7% returned

You need to get a calculator.

We have 1300 members plus visitors only 40 responded to our poll

The results do not mean if 3 million phones sold 1.2 million have issues if 3000 responded to the question it would be a better balance
The biggest issue is news media hype. The media blows every thing over the top to the point it's ridiculous.

Further to this the friends I have on my network throughout the world whom have the iPhone 4 out of 25 NON are having any major issues with their phones regarding antenna problems. 3 are on AT&T believe their issue is AT&T as the iPhone 3GS had similar problems one had sync issues which were resolved by a restore and that's it.

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