Just jailbroke phone

Just jailbroke phone


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Jan 5, 2013
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Just a quick question about the new little batman emblem or sign that has appeared nxt to my 3G sign is that something todo with me jailbreaking my phone and if so what does it mean ? Can anyone enlighten me thanx .
You must have installed the Zeppelin tweak. It's a tweak that let's you put little icons in the place of your carrier (or, at least, in that area of your status bar).

There is a tab for Zeppelin in your Settings app where you can pick which icon you wish to use. There are also a whole bunch of icons/logos available in Cydia (or, you can make your own).

Ahh nice one i remember something about zepplin i was lookin at in cydia.cheers much appreciated
You must have installed the Zeppelin tweak. It's a tweak that let's you put little icons in the place of your carrier (or, at least, in that area of your status bar).

There is a tab for Zeppelin in your Settings app where you can pick which icon you wish to use. There are also a whole bunch of icons/logos available in Cydia (or, you can make your own).


I second self-creativity.

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I'm gonna be in a world of fun lol never JB before!n
Should I JB my oldest IOS device? Like my 1ST iPad? First?
It's practically identical for the iPad 1 since Absinthe and Evasi0n has nearly an identical UI. Absinthe is "simpler" in the sense that it's literally plug and click with no interaction with your device.

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