Just tried jailbreaking and I hit a glitch

Just tried jailbreaking and I hit a glitch


Thread Starter
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
The Sands of Oblivion
Hey Everyone,

I just downloaded the software to jailbreak my iP5 and while installing it I keep getting a message saying that "Apple driver cannot be found, please down load iTunes and install." I have the latest version of iTunes installed and running, but to no avail.
What exactly is going on here and how can I fix it? Thanks.

It's quite possible that the latest iTunes version for 64-bit Windows computers is the reason for this issue.

Remove iTunes from your computer completely, and install version 12.1.1. Then try installing the software to jailbreak once more.

Hope that helps.
Ok, I was going to try and install iTunes on my D drive and it won't allow me to. It keeps asking me to install over the existing version, even though it's on another drive. I didn't do it because I'm afraid I'm going to lose everything. Will this happen? I don't want to go hunting for the stuff I might lose. Thanks.
No problem. Please let us know how it goes.
Sorry to bother you, but I was on track to jailbreak my i5 a few weeks ago and never got around to finishing it. I just downloaded PP for iOS 8 on the support page here and I'm not sure how to work this once I have opened the program. Any pointers?

Ok, the last time we tried this the TaiG could not recognize iTunes & requested that I installed it. I just wiped iTuned from my computer, started it again and I still get the same message; "Cannot see apple drivers, please download and install iTunes". Now what?
This message will keep appearing when the latest iTunes version is installed. If you download and install iTunes 12.1.1, as suggested, you won't get that message.
Ummm, ok. Where can I find that version of it? The Apple site will only allow me to download the current one, unless I'm missing something.
Sites such as Softonic or Filehippo offer this version for download. Just make sure you get the right one (32- or 64-bit).
Ok, I finally found the version I'm looking for, but I've installed it and restarted the computer, but there is nothing there. No icon, no program listing, nothing on the C drive in a folder nothing.
Ok, I finally found the version I'm looking for, but I've installed it and restarted the computer, but there is nothing there. No icon, no program listing, nothing on the C drive in a folder nothing.

I had the no driver found issue. Instead of installing an older version of iTunes I installed the
Driver. iTunesDriver64_0205.exe just do a google search for a download. This is for a 64 bit pc