Keylogger and Iphone spy software

Keylogger and Iphone spy software

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Jun 19, 2012
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West Virginia
I have a teenage daughter and I guess you can say that I sometimes get a little worried about what may be going on behind my back. She has an Iphone 4S and I DO NOT WANT TO JAILBREAK the phone so does anyone know of any Iphone keylogging or spy software I could use that doesn't require a jailbreak and also doesn't make her aware of what I"m doing?
There isn't, and the reason is Security issues.
I would suggest talking to your child. A good conversation goes a long way..
You need to check, it may be illegal to do this with out her knowlege.

...and I agree with Darkstar - open conversation is the best way
zstairlessone said:
You need to check, it may be illegal to do this with out her knowlege.

...and I agree with Darkstar - open conversation is the best way

A conversation is necessary. Don't be your childs best friend. Be a guide. Make sure they know that telling you the truth will not bring undue consequences let them know that they can count on you for advice and experience but that they have to own what they do.
I would recommend you to give proper time to your daughter and take proper care of her.

Hope it will work for you :)
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I don't think you'll fine one. I doubt Apple would allow that kind of app to get in. The legal issues can cost them millions.
It's simply not technically possibleon iOS without jailbreaking. We looked at many of the Parental Control features we have for our PC product (McGruff SafeGuard - and on iOS you can really only create a new app to keep kids safe. Apple keeps all the apps independent of each other, so they can't spy.

BTW, we provide a free McGruff SafeGuard Child Safe Browser for the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch if you're interested.
It is identical to Safari, but provides parents with complete control of the categories of websites that can be visited.

You probably remember McGruff “The Crime Dog” - Take A Bite Out of Crime - from your own childhood.

The browser app also provides a report of activity to the parent via email.

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