Kind of new!

Kind of new!


New Member
Thread Starter
Feb 16, 2012
Reaction score
Good evening all!
I am fairly new to this site and forums in general...I hear there are a lot of good folk out there and help is at hand! I do hope so as I have a problem that is just doing my head in...I'm now going to embark on finding where I can shout for your assistance outside of this page of introduction!!
Perhaps it will be from the tallest building in my local area!!!
Good evening all!
I am fairly new to this site and forums in general...I hear there are a lot of good folk out there and help is at hand! I do hope so as I have a problem that is just doing my head in...I'm now going to embark on finding where I can shout for your assistance outside of this page of introduction!!
Perhaps it will be from the tallest building in my local area!!!
hi,welcome to the forum,here are a few helpful links-
[url][/URL]"]Forum Rules[/URL] | [url][/URL] | [url][/URL] | [url][/URL] | | [url][/URL][url][/URL]e+unlocking[/B] [/QUOTE]
