Kindle Apps?

Kindle Apps?


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Aug 12, 2014
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Hi, I've upgraded my iPhone 4s with iOS 7.1.2 - but then it's back to new setting, data lost, media etc. fortunately I have back up from 2 months ago so not much was lost but I have to re-install some apps. But then I could not find kindle apps in Apps Store? Anybody know what's going on? Thanks, Febri
Hi, I've upgraded my iPhone 4s with iOS 7.1.2 - but then it's back to new setting, data lost, media etc. fortunately I have back up from 2 months ago so not much was lost but I have to re-install some apps. But then I could not find kindle apps in Apps Store? Anybody know what's going on? Thanks, Febri
I just checked the App Store and had no trouble finding the Kindle app. Have you tried liking in your purchased list for apps not on your iPhone?
Yup, it's nowhere. I tried to check with the apps store in my iPad - it wasn't there either - even though the apps still installed in my iPad. I also check with two other friends iphone - can't find it! Are you sure we're talking about the same apps? Because there is an apps called 'kindle' but it's a magazine in India! Cheers, Febri ps: look fwd to find it!
Yup still not there. However, I checked on a friend's iPhone 4 today, and she haven't upgraded her iOS yet (not yet 7.1.2) - and it's there! So maybe that's because Kindle have not upgrade their apps to be compatible with iOS 7.1.2? Maybe.