Latest Nielsen Figures Show Apple is Still Number 1 US Smartphone Manufacturer

Latest Nielsen Figures Show Apple is Still Number 1 US Smartphone Manufacturer


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Jun 18, 2010
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[FONT=&quot]All Things D reports today on the latest Nielsen US smartphone market survey for June, which reveals that the same basic trends that we have been seeing for quite a few months are still ongoing. Basically it’s great news for Apple and Google as usual, and not such great news for RIM and Nokia. In terms of the smartphone manufacturer share, Apple is still way out in front with 28%, with Blackberry maker RIM second at 20%, while HTC comes in third, making it still the highest placed Android phone manufacturer in the US, with 14%. However, it’s as usual a different story when it comes to smartphone platform share, with Google’s Android still out in front at 39%, an increase of 3% from Q2; Apple’s iOS second with 28%, up 2%; and RIM’s Blackberry OS third with 20%, representing a drop of 3%. Nokia’s Symbian OS and HP’s Palm/HP WebOS share the wooden spoon with 2% a piece. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Source: [/FONT]Nielsen: Apple Leading U.S. Smartphone Maker, Android Leading OS - John Paczkowski - Mobile - AllThingsD
With the development of Internet phone market, competition will be more intense than before. Whether Apple can maintain the first position, so we'll see.

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