Lockscreen camera?

Lockscreen camera?


New Member
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Jul 20, 2011
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Where is the button? I thought ios5 was meant to have lockscreen camera button. I have tried pressing home button twice and all I get is iPod controls?
neither of you are that smart:)..I said in my post I had tried the home button already...I had googled my problem before posting here......it turned out it was because I had Android lock XT switched on; it isn't compatible with the camera button. I am using Springtomize 2 now to have button permanently.
To be honest it's not that useful; I had Activator gestures to start camera from lockscreen already. So much of the new stuff in ios5 is stuff jailbreakers already have
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I had the same issues w/ AndroidLockXT interfering w/ Activator... so I use AndroidLockXT quite a bit less now.
Yeah, I like android lock; I had it set up invisible so that anyone picked it up wouldnt even know to swipe, but, it gets to be a nuisance when you're in a rush. I'll see how it goes
Its cool...I really should have tried a bit harder before posting a question!

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