Long Lines Form Outside Apple Stores All Over the Road on iPhone X Eve

Long Lines Form Outside Apple Stores All Over the Road on iPhone X Eve


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Jun 18, 2010
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Lines form ahead of iPhone X launch.webp

Friday, November 3 is the day that the iPhone X is finally released, and all the signs are pointing to this possibly being a record-breaking launch for Apple. As MacRumors reports, lines have been forming outside Apple stores all over the world as early as Wednesday, if not even before that, and now on the eve of launch day the numbers lining up outside in the hope of bagging one of the few available iPhone Xs are growing and growing.

It really is very exciting to see pictures of the scenes taking place throughout the world, including outside Apple’s Orchard Road store in Singapore, the Sydney, Australia, store and the West 14th Street, Manhattan, store in New York.

It remains to be seen whether or not the efforts of those lining up outside will turn out to be in vain, as the number of units available for walk-in customers are expected to be very small.

Photo credit: Yahoo Singapore

Source: Lines Swell at Apple Stores Around the World as Customers Prepare for iPhone X Launch
Am l the only person that thinks the World has gone bloody crazy it’s a phone that takes nice pictures so what?
That's super crazy... Verizon offered "in-store" pickup orders starting at 2am CST which I thought was awesome so everyone could avoid standing outside. They also opened early here which was was nice.

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