Looking for a Couple of App Recommendations

Looking for a Couple of App Recommendations


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Feb 1, 2017
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Just switched back to the iPhone after many years and I seem to only have a few apps I need help with.

Desktop Notifications - In Windows or in Chrome in Windows, I would like to be notified of text messages and be able to respond to them. I have used Pushbullet in the past on Android and for some reason it became buggier and buggier to the point where it doesn't work at all. I don't even care about all of the other features it has anymore. I just want to reliably receive texts and respond to them from my desktop. I don't care about emojis or images. I'll do that from my phone if I have to.

App Store Search - I don't remember the app store being so bad about searches. Don't get me wrong, the Play Store is completely heinous but I would love an app that searches the app store with advanced searches and clean results not tainted by sponsors. Heck a website would be even better.

Mute Sound On Schedule - Everything I saw was $4.00. I fork out cash for apps all the time. Narwhal was an insta-buy, but I'd like something that is free or if I'm going to pay, I want it to know to not mute on major holidays and to check my schedule for certain types of appointments and mute for those as well.

Keyboard App - I'd love to hear your keyboard recommendations.I loved Swiftkey when I was on Android. It is available for iPhone but it doesn't have a number row in this version. I also loved it's recommendations. So I'm using Flesky but the keyboard system seems to be all out of whack or I need to call Apple to help me un-user error my stuff because even though I have only one keyboard active in settings all apps switch between gboard, Flesky and the default at random and Flesky will show the number row at random. Evil.

Thanks in advance.
I haven't had issues with the App Store searches. I do wish they would make the list of the top apps longer. It used to be the top 200. Now it's top 150 I think. I use the search feature a lot. Prices have gone up, but so have the quality of the apps. Developers deserve to make money. You can use an app like AppShopper and keep a wish list in it. It notifies you when one goes free or is reduced. I have many paid apps I got free. AppAdvice is another good one that alerts to apps gone free.
I use SwiftKey as my default keyboard. I have the stock keyboard deleted. It does come up for passwords and such. But SwiftKey has the best memory of any. I don't know of many 3rd party keyboards with the number row. That doesn't bother me. Apple puts a lot of restrictions on keyboard apps. SwiftKey would like to do more to make it more like their Android, but Apple's restrictions don't allow it. I'm guessing for security reasons.
ai.type keyboard has a number row. It needs some work in my opinion but if they can do it I'd think the others could too. I'd like to see Gboard tuned up.
I agree app advice is a awesome app for finding the specific apps you are looking for. Be careful though appadvice has sucked me in for more than a hour before.
Best part of the iOS is app store... I go to app store daily to see if have some new apps comes out.