Looking for a good picture editor app

Looking for a good picture editor app


New Member
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Nov 22, 2010
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Are there any good apps to edit pics? Right now i wanted to crop/resize and flip the image and i cant even do that.
Prefer a free app

Are there any good apps to edit pics? Right now i wanted to crop/resize and flip the image and i cant even do that.
Prefer a free app


Photoshop is really good

I believe it's free, at the time when it came out it was free for me

it's called PS Express btw
Picassa 3 is more than an editor and easy to use, and free. It is a photo library organizer and can do basic editing functions. If you want full blown editing functions, then download gimp and read the manual for help. It rivals the photoshop cs series and is free. You also need to download greycstoration plugin which is a very good free noise reduction software which integrates with gimp. If you use linux, it is already built in.
Thx !

PS Exp is a nice app.
Found picassa but not pica 3. Didn't like it. Gimp is not in app store either.