Looking for mobile recording device for Clinical Trails - Please Help!

Looking for mobile recording device for Clinical Trails - Please Help!


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Mar 27, 2013
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I am looking for an easy way for doctors to take video recordings of patient interviews for clinical trial purposes and upload it securely to our servers. The videos are typically 1-3 hours in length. Are there any phone applications on the iPhone platform that have business grade security (I.E. encryption)? I would also need to be able to set the compression, if required. This is patient image data so the governing regulatory authorities will insist that no one else can view the data and that it's not stored in any non-validated environment en route to our server, for obvious confidentiality purposed. It would need to be a global device since we a planning to used it in 20+ countries.

Does anyone know of an application or device out there that could accommodate these requirements? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Because of HIPAA/Patient confidentiality and privacy--have you gone to the health system or medical organization to ask if they have any available and approved software they are currently using? I'd suggest that be your first route to ensure that you are adhering to your corporate compliance requirements and speak to IT security about your question.

Personally-I do not have an app I would advise that fits the proper needs of the OIG/HIPAA Regulations.

Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator

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