Looking for way to have a random bookmark button on my iPhone.

Looking for way to have a random bookmark button on my iPhone.


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Nov 14, 2013
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I have been trying to get something like this on my iPhone for a while now. Problem is, for every browser this seems to be desktop-only. And it seems there are no apps which directly have this function. Right now the best thing I could come up with is using my remote desktop app to access my iMac and do it from there. However, I am sure there is a better, more convenient, way and that someone on this forum could figure it out. I have even thought that if I could somehow sync all of my bookmarked URLs to a text file on my phone, and then have some app that randomly selects one line from that text file, that would be fine. This came from another idea I had of using a random number generator, and then counting down my list of bookmarks on my phone to whatever number I got. This obviously is extremely slow once you have more than like 10 bookmarks. I am sure there is at least one creative way to do this without jailbreaking. The goal is to find the most fast and convenient way to go to a random bookmark on my iPhone, using any apps available on the app store. Also, it doesn't matter what browser those bookmarks are on since it is easy to sync bookmarks to and from any browser. Consider this a challenge :D