Low Storage Space After App Deletes

Low Storage Space After App Deletes


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Jun 25, 2015
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I deleted 3 applications that took up around 700 megabytes each. However, when I go to Settings>Usage, it says I have 0 bytes available. It doesn't seem to just be a settings bug, as I cannot install apps from the App Store either due to "not enough storage space". Does anyone know what the issue is?
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Reset your iPhone, maybe this will make it show the free storage afterwards. To reset,mpress and hold Home and Power button simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. Let go of both, your device will power up on it's own. This reset won't remove data or change settings.

It's also possible that the software needs some time to recognize the free storage space. Wait for a few hours. If it still shows the same message, connect your device to iTunes on a computer and take a look at your storage space there.

If you see quite a bit of storage called "Other" (orange), restore your iPhone using iTunes. This should help getting rid of the additional storage.

Make sure there's a most recent backup before restoring.

Hope that helps.
Thank you for the fast reply! I plugged my phone into my computer into iTunes, and you were right about the "Other"- it is taking up 7 gigabytes out of the 12.7 capacity! However, after trying to restore from a backup, I received an error saying that there isn't enough space on my phone to restore. I then cleared another 1.1 gb, but I still receive the error when attempting a restore. Any idea what to do now?
Reset your iPhone, using the method described above, and wait for the software to recognize the additional free storage.
I tried the hard reset first, and it didn't work either.
Clear you cache in Safari under settings, delete old texts. Then sync your phone to iTunes using your pc. That should help clear the stuff under other.

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