Made progress on 4.11.08 downgrade [help needed]

Made progress on 4.11.08 downgrade [help needed]


New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 6, 2011
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I upgraded to iOS 5 using Stock firmware on November 4 2011
my Baseband got upgrade to 4.11.08 from 4.10.01. Ergo gevey is not working.
I searched for a really long while on the internet for a solution and the only soln seems to be a downgrade to 4.10.01.
Luckily I had my SHSH blobs for 4.3.5 saved. I used tinyumbrella to restore and it successfully bypassed the apple signature server and installed 4.3.5.

But at the time of installation, more precisely when iTunes showed "Restoring Firmware", an error 1 occurred and it got stuck on recovery mode.
I was able to get rid of recovery mode using redsn0w 0.9.9b6 and had a fully functional 4.3.5.

But the baseband is still 4.11.08. Can someone help me get around "error 1". That can help a lot of people.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, there is no way to downgrade the baseband on your device. It is impossible.

The signature checking security uses a nonce component (Cryptographic nonce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) which means there is absolutely no way it can be forged as things stand today. Changing the baseband has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of IOS or whether you have saved SHSH Blobs or not.

The baseband is signed separately and there is no way to bypass that security. You are stuck with 04.11.08 for good. Your only hope for an unlock is that a software solution such as ultrasn0w is updated if they find an exploit in 04.11.08, or gevey release a hardware SIM solution which exploits it. Both those will take time, and are quite unlikely to happen any time soon, since 04.11.08 was specifically coded to block gevey devices and software bugs in the baseband have been challenging to find for a very long time already...
There is a way to use your iphone with differente carriers without unlocking. I just bought this thing on ebay called "gmate bluetooth" and it works fine without any problems. Check it out on youtube as well.
Will it not drain my battery?
As Bluetooth might be switched on for a long time
theunsatiated said:
Will it not drain my battery?
As Bluetooth might be switched on for a long time

Yes a little bit, but it's better than waiting for a new gevey sim. And we don't know how long it's going to take

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