Hello all you smartphone junkies (yes one of my fav smartphone junkies is the creator/moderator of smartphonejunkie.com) Have been a droid user just like some of you, since Android first hit the shelves! Have always been Verizon, was Alltel before they bought them out! Anyhoo, I have several buds that have the Thunderbolt and bottom line, I do not want to have to carry a "battery booster" in my purse constantly and worry about battery drainage, and for a woman with smaller hands, it's a whopping phone for me to handle!
Coming from the first Incredible, I went through several weeks of researching and trying to decide before making the final decision. And here I am, brand spanking new white iPhone 4 user. I have not jailbroke my phone yet, and am still "on the fence" about that, I have always rooted and flashed custom roms on ALL of my android devices as well as my Winmo devices before that. The iPhone 4 just does............WORK out of the box, so far I can't put it down!!
I hope to learn from your forum and thank all the moderators and administrators for your hard work that I know it takes to maintain a site/forum such as this.
Coming from the first Incredible, I went through several weeks of researching and trying to decide before making the final decision. And here I am, brand spanking new white iPhone 4 user. I have not jailbroke my phone yet, and am still "on the fence" about that, I have always rooted and flashed custom roms on ALL of my android devices as well as my Winmo devices before that. The iPhone 4 just does............WORK out of the box, so far I can't put it down!!
I hope to learn from your forum and thank all the moderators and administrators for your hard work that I know it takes to maintain a site/forum such as this.