Man Could be Charged for Using Gun-Shaped iPhone Case

Man Could be Charged for Using Gun-Shaped iPhone Case


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Gun shaped iPhone case found on man at Stansted airport.webp

to5 Mac reports on the case of a traveller who was attempting to board a flight at London’s Stansted Airport with a gun-shaped iPhone case tucked into his back pocket. Essex Police were clearly as bemused as the rest of us as to why anyone would do anything so foolhardy, and shamed the individual involved with a string of tweets.

“You have a split second decision to make…#WhatWouldYouDo[?]” the police asked, underneath a stock image of an iPhone case that looks very much like the butt of a gun sticking out of a back pocket. Not the perpetrator in this case, apparently, but very similar.

They followed this up with pictures of the actual iPhone case involved in the incident, and the caption, “This is what was in the back pocket…An iPhone case. Someone decided to put themselves in such a situation today.”

Essex Police then tweeted in reply to a question that the owner of the case could be charged with “Sec 5 Public Order and possibly Sec 19 Possession of Imitation Firearm in a Public Place,” and finally, “Bringing this to an airport makes it much less likely you’ll catch your plane. #dontbedaft.

Source: Man potentially facing charges for using gun-shaped iPhone case in London airport
In this day and age the makers of this case must be as crazy as the buyers. In my opinion.

Gregory Isaacs r.i.p.
In this day and age the makers of this case must be as crazy as the buyers. In my opinion.

Gregory Isaacs r.i.p.
There are some states in the United States, such as Texas, where the carrying of an unconcealed gun is legal with a permit. This type of case would fit right in, were it used in Texas.
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Hi l take your point, however this is from Essex UK gun laws as most people are aware are totally different there.
I now live in Germany and every policeman and woman carry arms.
So for them to see this holder would cause big issues l believe.

Gregory Isaacs r.i.p.

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