Man Creates Giant iPhone 4 Halloween Costume, Touchscreen and All!

Man Creates Giant iPhone 4 Halloween Costume, Touchscreen and All!


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Jun 18, 2010
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[ame=]YouTube - 2010 Apple iPhone 4 Costume "guyPhone 4"[/ame]​

Switched has a story today that will probably send you back to the drawing board with your planned Halloween costume, as surely John Savio has blown anything else that anyone else could ever come up with out of the water.

Last year, Savio created a fully-functioning iPhone costume for Halloween. This year, he has surpassed that mighty feat with his “human-size, jailbroken iPhone 4”, complete with touchscreen, no less. The only thing more impressive would have been if he’d made a giant white iPhone 4, maybe given Apple some tips on how to make one!

Savio created his giant touchscreen iPhone 4 by connecting his own jailbroken iPhone 4 to a 40-inch LED LCD panel, and then strapping that to a sandwich board. It even has a rear-camera light. The costume weighs 75 pounds, and took Savio more than three days to assemble. John Savio, we salute you!

Source: Switched (Original story by CrunchGear)
Well, that's pretty good , this much thinking to make a Halloween costume is done by this man. I wonder how much time he spent on making this Halloween costume and how much work or money he spent on it.

halloween costumes parties

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