Metalstorm: Online | Free Online Dogfighting Game For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad

Metalstorm: Online | Free Online Dogfighting Game For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
[ame=]YouTube - Metalstorm: Online | Free Online Dogfighting Game For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad - iOS Vlog 403[/ame]​

Metalstorm: Online is a free online dogfighting game with amazing graphics. Within the game you choose your plane, which you can upgrade as you go on, and get into a match. In the match you will be facing another person online and you basically just go and duke it out. After the match, whether you win or lose, you receive some credits to buy upgrades. You can pay for Tech Upgrades which is a skill tree that will transfer to every plane you have. This skill tree will give you abilities, power ups, and stats. If that's not enough, you can use your credits to buy missiles and cannons. Some of the items and planes are achieved easy buy in-app purchases, but you can also get these by getting a lot of credits and trading them for Coins. The gameplay is fun, but it can get old just going around in circles. If you have a minute or two to waste, this should satisfy you.
sweet its free as well, i doubt it will be free long when they get a tone of hits and good reviews

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