?microphone not working during incoming and outgoing calls?

?microphone not working during incoming and outgoing calls?


New Member
Thread Starter
Jan 2, 2012
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Hi there hope you can help folks, I have an Iphone4 and just yesterday the microphone has stopped working only on calls. i have tested it using voice recorder and it is picking my voice up at normal volume and working fine.
When making outgoing calls and taking incoming calls i need to basically SCREAM down the phone so the person on the other end can hear me.


Thanks Dex1992
Any ideas before i book an appointment at the genius bar.
It maybe a long shot but have you tried restoring your iPhone with iTunes incase it is a software problem.
perform the hard reset several time. If no joy then go to system> settings> reset> reset settings/
It may sound silly but it had worked for me. First you try to make a call with your headphones. If you hear the sound try to insert headphones in and out several times. If it doesn't help try even sillier thing, put your mouth around the hole in the phone and blow hard. The object is to loose a speck of dust which has blocked the jack in headphones mode. Try it!

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