Microsoft exchange worked perfectly for months - but now it doesn't

Microsoft exchange worked perfectly for months - but now it doesn't


New Member
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Apr 17, 2011
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I've just introduced myself in the newbie section and am here to ask a question on behalf of my girlfriend.

She's had an iphone4 since November 2010 and is still over the moon with it. (And I'll be following suit soon hopefully). Anyway, she was syncing her hotmail, calendar and contacts successfully with the Microsoft exchange server the whole time but about two weeks ago it suddenly stopped working. She hasn't changed any settings (or so she tells me!) and in fact, I've since deleted her account from the phone, reset it and set up a new exchange account - but still no joy.

We can get her hotmail to sync now but not via the exchange server and she has no access to her calendar or contacts. And it's a right pain.

The message it gives her is 'no connection to server' (in German - we're in Germany).

Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? Like I said it was set up and running perfectly and I have set it up again since exactly the same as before.

For the record, I have searched this forum as thoroughly as I can and I have searched google too. I read the info for new users and even introduced myself! If this has already been addressed then sorry for that but I would love to find a solution as it really was useful for her and I keeping each others calendars up to date and her keeping on top of her mails.

And yes, we would both like to continue to use hotmail and find a solution for that rather than go the gmail route. This is an option, but doesn't 'solve' the problem so to speak.

If there's any other/a better way of having her calendar, contacts and mail syncing please feel free to mention it.

Many thanks for any help in advance and I (we) wish you a nice weekend.

That's great isn't it. It's not been working for 2 and a half weeks and now - AFTER I'VE WRITTEN A BLOODY LONG MESSAGE - it suddenly starts again.

It started saying her password was wrong - which it wasn't - and hotmail didn't let her in anywhere. So I reset the password and voila!

I knew this forum would help :)

Have a great weekend (what's left of it)


P.S. I'm sure we'll be back ;)
My Exchange was working perfectly fine and suddenly stop working. I had reset the password counteless times, even restore the phone which make me lose everything. What did you try besides resetting password.
My Exchange was working perfectly fine and suddenly stop working. I had reset the password counteless times, even restore the phone which make me lose everything. What did you try besides resetting password.

Hi ose26

Well after the password reset it worked - don't know why. BUT...I finally gave in and got myself an iphone yesterday and exchange account won't set up and I've entered all the information 100% perfectly.

Did you solve your problem?


Just played with the settings and now it works:

Email: ***_***
Domain: (leave blank) --- I think this made the difference
Username: (use your email address from above)
Password: (use the correct password ;-) )
Description: Exchange

Then the next screen will show the same and ask for server info:


Then touch 'Done' and pray...

Let me know if it works.

Then touch 'Done' and pray...
Hehehe this is interesting. I will try it out.
But seriousely, i think that the bug is with hotmail server. What's bizard in this is that whenever this happen to me, i will just connect my vpn on and everything will go just like rain falling off the sky. I've never find out why except thinking that it was sensure as i'm living in China. But glad it works out for you by praying :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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