Move Over Doodle Jump... Zombie Runaway Review

Move Over Doodle Jump... Zombie Runaway Review

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
[ame=]YouTube - Move Over Doodle Jump... Zombie Runaway Review - iOS Vlog 301[/ame]​

Zombie Runaway is a "try one more time" game from App Store Publisher Com2uS. You play as the zombie on the screen, dodging tombstones and other obstacles that will lead to your doom. You can move left, right or jump, very simple controls, just doge everything that is coming at you. You can also collect hearts to give you more life, you only start out with 3, but you can have up to 5. You hit a tombstone once you lose a heart, no big deal, just don't end up with 0 too fast. Some obstacles will end the game for you, make sure to dodge those. Other than that, just get the best damn score you can and check out Zombie Runaway in the App Store for $.99.

Get it here:
Zombie Runaway for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

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