Movies on iphone 4

Movies on iphone 4


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Oct 24, 2011
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Can anyone update me a procedure to copy movies from my windows 7 laptop to the iPhone?

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open up iTunes on your computer, drag the video you want to put on your iPhone to iTunes, or go to "files> Importe a file" and direct the dialogue box to the location of the video on your computer. If your video is not supported by iTunes, it might automatically convert it, (I'm not sure) or you will have to convert it into MP4 for iTunes to be able to place your video into it's library. Once that's done, connect your iPhone to your computer, highlight your iPhone in iTunes, select the videos tab, and check the video box, finally sync your itunes to your iPhone and voila. Good luck to you.
Thanks man. Will try this out and update u.

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I tried but not possible though. It doesn't import movies. It does nothing. Still trying.

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best really to first convert to mp4 file format as that is what apple uses.

ne aware conversion is a time consuming process, expect a 2 hour film to take near 3 hours or more, unless you have a really well spec machine