multiple recipients txt messages

multiple recipients txt messages


New Member
Thread Starter
Oct 29, 2012
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I have an iphone 4s on Orange network
My question is regarding , whether there is any way to tell whether a txt has been sent just to you, or to multiple recipients.
This is mainly a concern as to whether someone is a spammer/scammer or genuine.
I undersatnd that there is no way to look at a standrad txt msg on the iphone and see whether you are the only recipient or not - but if for instance you have a long thread of txt conversation saved with this person, and you receive a message on this thread does it mean it was sent only to you?
ie if there were multiple recipients on the txt would it come up as a separate / new message?
Thanks for any advice, Sienna
I believe the only the only time you'll be able to see the multiple recipients is if it's through iMessages.
I believe the only the only time you'll be able to see the multiple recipients is if it's through iMessages.

Multiple recipients will show up for Text Messages (true SMS). But I believe some cellular providers don't relay the list. I can say Verizon does since I have messages like that on my iPhone that were done in the last 30 days.

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