My Tamagotchi Forever Out Now

My Tamagotchi Forever Out Now


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Jun 18, 2010
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My Tamagotchi Forever out today.webp

Paladin Studios’ My Tamagotchi Forever has arrived in the App Store today, 20 years after the original hand-held game became a massive worldwide craze for a brief moment in time. Developed by Bandai Namco and Paladin Studios, gameplay is very similar to the original, whereby all you have to do is hatch your little egg and then look after it. If you manage to rear it to adulthood, avoiding any unfortunate mishaps, then you’ll get to see your pet fulfil its dreams, such as becoming an astronaut or science teacher.

Old friends that you can expect to meet in Tamatown include Mametchi, Kuchipatch and many more.

Your little Tamagotchi is quite a demanding critter, as, just as with the original game, you have to bathe, feed, and play with it, as well as making sure it gets plenty of sleep. Make sure you stock up with enough food so that it doesn’t go hungry. They’ll let you know in no uncertain terms whenever they need to eat, sleep, and so on.

When not taking care of your little Tamagotchi, you can visit the arcade in Tamatown and earn coins by playing minigames, including Match-3 puzzles and Hide-And-Seek. You can also decorate the village with playgrounds, trees, boats, swimming pools, and many other accessories, and create Memorable Moments by taking pictures for your photo album.

At every stage of your Tamagotchi’s evolution it will have unique characteristics and evolution paths. What type of character your Tamagotchi grows up to be depends on your actions, with each Tamagotchi requiring different types of caretaking.

Click here to download the free-to-play game: My Tamagotchi Forever on the App Store

Source: Paladin Studios

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