I have the "classic view" of My Yahoo (I don't like the mobile version) saved on one of my home screens in a Safari browser. I used to be able to log in and it would save the setting so that it would show "my page" every time I opened it. For the past month, even though I am clicking the box to save the login setting, I get logged out of My Yahoo on my iphone after shutting the phone off.
I don't think I changed anything on my phone, but it's possible I changed a setting. Are there any cookie settings I could have changed inadvertantly? Do you think this is a Yahoo issue? It is not happening on my desktop computer, only on my iPhone.
I don't think I changed anything on my phone, but it's possible I changed a setting. Are there any cookie settings I could have changed inadvertantly? Do you think this is a Yahoo issue? It is not happening on my desktop computer, only on my iPhone.