My Yahoo not saving login on iPhone

My Yahoo not saving login on iPhone


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Charlotte burb
I have the "classic view" of My Yahoo (I don't like the mobile version) saved on one of my home screens in a Safari browser. I used to be able to log in and it would save the setting so that it would show "my page" every time I opened it. For the past month, even though I am clicking the box to save the login setting, I get logged out of My Yahoo on my iphone after shutting the phone off.

I don't think I changed anything on my phone, but it's possible I changed a setting. Are there any cookie settings I could have changed inadvertantly? Do you think this is a Yahoo issue? It is not happening on my desktop computer, only on my iPhone.
I think it must be something with the website. Even if you enable cookies stuff still seems to get erased. For example my phone never remembers my username and password for this site.
Yeah, and I do have cookies enabled. I logged on to my account and reset the login information and it seemed to have fixed the problem.

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