Need help finding a Note Taking App! Can anyone help?

Need help finding a Note Taking App! Can anyone help?


New Member
Thread Starter
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
The Hood
What up First and foremost thank you for taking some time and checking out this post!

So I'm trying to find an Note taking app that I can do the following on it:

Adding pictures
Changing Font Size/Color
Categorizing my entire notes

The catch is that my phone ISN'T JAILBROKEN until my warranty expires! So if anyone can point out an app
those features. I would appreciate it allot!!!

I personally use Evernotes, its free and it will sync with my iPhone, iPad, iMac or even you have have a Chrome extension and get it from anywhere.

I hope this help... I know there is many out there but this is my personal favorite.

I hope this help.
You can put the images on the notes, I do it all the time. See attach pic


  • $image-3370031036.webp
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Another vote for Evernote. One of the best apps, IMHO.
Evernote is overrated. NoteMaster is lot better plus does images, categories, secret notes with password protection, check marks for your notes like creating ToDo list, bullet items and much more. I love NoteMaster which works for me
Guys thanks for sharing, you are all making my iOS life so much easier.

Just wanted to say thanks, its easy to take this type of help granted.
Evernote is overrated. NoteMaster is lot better plus does images, categories, secret notes with password protection, check marks for your notes like creating ToDo list, bullet items and much more. I love NoteMaster which works for me
I'm 100% satisfied with Evernote, gonna try Notemaster.