I have an iphone 4 on ios 5.1.1 Yes it is jailbroken but I do not pirate apps I buy everything including paid for jailbroken apps. But I have recently purchased a bluetooth device to find out when I connect it and press the nice little call button nothing happens. I have looked for many alternative. But here is my main problem I do not want a siri alternative. I do not want to have to be connected to the internet all I want to do is press the button or say a word and be able to call or dictate text. No fancy twitter or facebook. As I do not use those. I do not need to know where I am going with GPS. If anybody can help Thank you in advance. Also sorry about the wall of text and please don't gripe on me for my device to be jailbroken.
EDIT: I have tried volkul and a couple of free alternatives they are not what I am looking for. Voice control seems to be missing as well.
EDIT: I have tried volkul and a couple of free alternatives they are not what I am looking for. Voice control seems to be missing as well.