Need help updating jailbroken iphone4 4.3.3 to ios 5.0.1, please..!!

Need help updating jailbroken iphone4 4.3.3 to ios 5.0.1, please..!!


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Apr 4, 2012
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Am new to the forum and it will be a great help if anybody could guide me to the process of upgrading my iphone to ios 5.0.1 and then jailbreak it.

Ok so, i have already a jailbroken iphone4 running cydia version 4.3.3 and i want to upgrade to ios 5.01 and then jailbreak it again. My problem is that i am having a lot of errors during this process which is making me mad.

First of all i read that you need to save your shsh using tinyumbrella just in case anything goes wrong and you went to revert back and restore your phone. i have downloaded tinyumbrella and install it but here comes my first problem, tinyumbrella can't detect my iphone. I've done some search and was told it was a java problem and i need to uninstall and re-install java which i did, but still it can't detect my phone. I just left it like that without saving my shsh.

Then the next step is to restore my iphone to 5.0.1 using itunes, so i have downloaded the 5.01 file which i rename to .ipsw because it was in .rar, then i do the restore but i had the errorcode 3194, again doing some search and came to know that there is a problem with a host file and i need to add somekind of text using notepad to the host file and save it. Then i need to put the phone in DFU mode and then restore again with itunes.

After doing the above step i got another error code 1602, after googling came to know that i need to uninstall itunes and re-install it which i did but no luck, then i have install a program called iREB which i read maybe a fix for the problem but then i am having another errorcode 1601.

I thought maybe i have done something wrong so i re-did those steps 2 or 3 times but am tired of this now and always having same error code. the only thing i haven't done yet is to try it on another computer but i don't have another pc in hand now to try it. PLEASE HELP.....!!!
I seem to remember that as 5.0.1 is no longer being 'signed' and you don't have the correct shsh for it... then it may be to late to upgrade

Having saved the shsh for 4.3.3 only means that you can go back to it and not forward, so its just a case of waiting
(along with 100000 other peeps, lol) for an untethered 5.1

From memory .... 5.0.1 stoped being signed some time early March.
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simplemind... what iOS versions is Cydia displaying at the top of it's Home Screen? As far as updating to 5.0.1 directly via iTunes... that is not possible since Apple is no longer signing that iOS version. Let us know what Cydia says then we'll go from there.
If you have not saved SHSH for 5.0.1 and or used iFaith or something like that to dump a custom firmware for iOS 5.0.1 then you are out of luck the only thing you can do is stay where you are at and keep your JB or you will have to upgrade to iOS 5.1 that only has a tethered JB at this time and may be some time before they release a Un-Tethered version. I hate to say it but I would stay where you are until a Un-Tethered JB for iOS 5.1 is released. When Apple stops signing a firmware with out some prework then you are out of luck.
Guys... the OP has not yet stated that the SHSHs for 5.0.1 don't exist for his iDevice. He simply hasn't extracted them w/ TinyUmbrella yet. Let's wait for simplemind to chime back in w/ what Cydia says then we can send 'em in the proper direction.
At the top of cydia homescreen is displaying SHSH: iOS 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 5.0.1 and down the bottom of the page it says " iPhone 4 (GSM), iOS 4.3.3, Cydia 1.1.6 etc....
At the top of cydia homescreen is displaying SHSH: iOS 4.3.3, 4.3.4, 4.3.5, 5.0.1 and down the bottom of the page it says " iPhone 4 (GSM), iOS 4.3.3, Cydia 1.1.6 etc....
Alrighty then... you DO have SHSHs for 5.0.1 saved via Cydia. Now we just need to figure out how to get Tiny Umbrella working for ya and you'll be good to go w/ updating to a custom Firmware.
"Alrighty then... you DO have SHSHs for 5.0.1 saved via Cydia. Now we just need to figure out how to get Tiny Umbrella working for ya and you'll be good to go w/ updating to a custom Firmware." - thomasjtsi

Could you guide me through this ? Or is there anyother way to do this without using tinyumbrella as i don't know why but it can't detect my iphone. One of the solution is to re-install the operating system on my computer, but it's a pain, i have just re-install my operating system last month and i don't want to do this process again. By the way am using windows 7 64bit.
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Ok i went to a friend place, use his computer and install itunes and tinyumbrella and connect my iphone to his pc and it was connected in tinyumbrella, why the hell it won't detect on my pc ?, anyway what do i do now after saving the SHSH ? ?
Ok i went to a friend place, use his computer and install itunes and tinyumbrella and connect my iphone to his pc and it was connected in tinyumbrella, why the hell it won't detect on my pc ?, anyway what do i do now after saving the SHSH ? ?

Build an IPSW with them using iFaith or redsn0w 0.9.10b6. I recommend iFaith, but the choice is yours.

You will need to download the 5.0.1 IPSW fro your device model (iPhone 4 GSM)

save it to your desktop.

To make things a little easier for you Click on the folder on the bottom of your desktop, then click on Local Disk C:

SHSH are located in Users/User's Name/.shsh

Locate the 5.0.1 SHSH, copy it, and paste it to your desktop.

Now when you build your IPSW, the IPSW and your SHSH blobs will be located on your desktop.

I would tell you more, but I'm not sure which tool your going to use.......But either way, it is pretty self explanatory. In iFaith just click the "Build Signed IPSww/ Blob" button.

In redsn0w (right click and run as administrator, If it's not there, drag redsn0w.exe to your desktop then do it) just click Extras> SHSH Blobs> Stitch

Then select the IPSW and the SHSH blobs. iFaith has select them the same way.

When the IPSW is built it will save to your desktop.

You must enter PWNED DFU mode using iREB when restoring to a custom IPSW or it will not work. iReb is located in redsn0w and iFaith.

The Open iTunes, hold down the shift key on your keyboard while you click the restore button simultaneously. Then locate the custom IPSW and double click on it.

Let iTunes do the rest;)
ok, am at the office now won't be able to do it, will try it later tonight, i think i will go with ifaith and will let you know how it goes.. hopefully it will work, thanks again for the help..
by using "zig9449" instructions i have successfully restore my iphone 4 to 5.0.1, thanks a lot dude, my phone looks like brand new the only worst part is that i forget to do a backup and i have lost all my data, anyway now how should i do to get cydia back on my phone and to re-jailbreak ?
simplemind said:
by using "zig9449" instructions i have successfully restore my iphone 4 to 5.0.1, thanks a lot dude, my phone looks like brand new the only worst part is that i forget to do a backup and i have lost all my data, anyway now how should i do to get cydia back on my phone and to re-jailbreak ?

Simply download redsn0w 0.9.10b6.

Extract the .zip to your desktop. Open the redsn0w folder and drag the redsn0w.exe to your desktop.

Right click, click run as administrator

(or click properties, then "Compatibility". Then check the box on the bottom to "Run this Program as Administrator". This way you don't have to right click and run as Admin every time, it will do that automatically).

Then plug in iPhone.

Then click jailbreak.

Then shut off device.

Then enter DFU mode.

You will not have to click "Next".

Once the phone entered DFU the jailbreak will start automatically.

It is always best to fully shut down device, and ener DFU mode at the "please make sure your device is plugged in and powered off" screen you see when you click jailbreak.

Once device reboots, Open Cydia and do not touch anything until it fully loads. Try to prevent your device from locking during this time. You will not be able to install anything until Cydia as fully loaded the first time it opens.
Simply download redsn0w 0.9.10b6.

Extract the .zip to your desktop. Open the redsn0w folder and drag the redsn0w.exe to your desktop.

Right click, click run as administrator

(or click properties, then "Compatibility". Then check the box on the bottom to "Run this Program as Administrator". This way you don't have to right click and run as Admin every time, it will do that automatically).

Then plug in iPhone.

Then click jailbreak.

Then shut off device.

Then enter DFU mode.

You will not have to click "Next".

Once the phone entered DFU the jailbreak will start automatically.

It is always best to fully shut down device, and ener DFU mode at the "please make sure your device is plugged in and powered off" screen you see when you click jailbreak.

Once device reboots, Open Cydia and do not touch anything until it fully loads. Try to prevent your device from locking during this time. You will not be able to install anything until Cydia as fully loaded the first time it opens.

Thanks, it works great, using redsnow i have sucessfully re-jailbreak my iphone4.

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