Need help with backing up iPhone data to iCloud with inoperable phone screen

Need help with backing up iPhone data to iCloud with inoperable phone screen


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Apr 3, 2017
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My iPhone 6 is inoperable; I dropped my phone and the screen was severely damaged. I visited the Apple Store today and they said they could not replace the screen and offered to sell me a new phone. However, I need the data on my current iPhone backed up so it is not lost. The touch screen is not functioning properly. They advised me to backup my phone to iCloud via my iPad. My attempts have not been successful. In Settings, iCloud is tied to my husband's Apple ID, but iTunes is tied to my Apple ID. I cannot update iCloud's ID with mine - there is not an option to change it, his ID is greyed out. We believe iCloud was on due to the pop up notifications indicating the phone was not backed up to iCloud. I need help!! Can anyone navigate me through a process to successfully back-up my iPhone without use of the screen/touchpad?
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Afaik, the iPhone will backup to iCloud (if enabled in Settings) automatically, when it's connected to Wi-Fi, the screen is locked, and it's plugged in. I don't know of - and haven't found - a way to start this process from a different device.

You can show it in Find my iCloud, if that's installed on the iPad.

Or you can remove a backup. You'll also see when it's last backup has finished. No option to start backing up. Sorry!

So if everything else but the screen is still working, and iCloud backups are enabled on the iPhone, plug it in and wait for some time. On the iPad you'll see whether or not it has been backed up afterwards.

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